Can Physiotherapy Reduce Migraine Headache?

Can Physiotherapy Reduce Migraine Headache? Yes! Physiotherapy sessions can actually help reduce migraine headache. What is a migraine ? A migraine is a severe headache that causes throbbing, pulsing head pain on one side of your head.Moreover, the headache phase of a migraine usually lasts at least four hours, but it can also last for days. This headache gets worse with: Physical activity, bright lights, loud noises.

A migraine is much more than a bad headache. It can cause debilitating, one-sided head pain that can leave you in bed for days. Movement, lights, sounds and other triggers may cause symptoms like fatigue, nausea, vision changes, irritability and more.


There are several types of migraines. The most common migraine categories are:

  • Migraine with aura (classic migraine).
  • Migraine without aura (common migraine)
  • Migraines in children (abdominal migraine).
  • Chronic migraine.
  • Hemiplegic migraine.
  • Menstrual migraine.
  • Migraine without headache (silent migraine).
  • Retinal migraine (ocular migraine).


  1. Prodrome: The first phase begins up to 24 hours before you experience a headache.
  2. Aura: An aura is a group of sensory, motor and/or speech symptoms that act as a warning sign of a migraine headache. The aura phase can last as long as 60 minutes or as little as five. You might experience both the aura and the headache at the same time.
  3. Headache: A migraine headache lasts between four hours to 72 hours.
  4. Postdrome: The postdrome stage usually lasts for a few hours up to 48 hours. Symptoms feel similar to an alcohol-induced hangover, which is why the postdrome phase is known as a migraine


A variety of factors can trigger a migraine headache, including:

  • Fatigue or changes to your sleep schedule.
  • Food such as aged cheeses, alcohol, and additives such as nitrates (found in hot dogs and lunchmeats, for example) and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Caffeine or caffeine withdrawal and skipping meals or fasting can also trigger a migraine.
  • Hormonal changes, such as those during menstruation.
  • Sensory overload, such as bright lights and glare, loud sounds, and strong smells.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Weather changes, such as changes in barometric pressure, strong winds, and changes in altitude.

How Can Physiotherapy reduce Migraines?

If you get migraine headaches, some sessions of physiotherapy can be of Help in the following ways:

  • Physiotherapy sessions involving heat therapy can help in increasing blood circulation to the head which in turn helps to reduce the migraine headache.
  • Physiotherapists can guide you through regular Exercise : Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, running, and cycling are associated with a decrease in migraine attacks.
  • Education received from a physiotherapiust can give infoirmation to patient on how to maintain a regular schedule. If you sleep, eat, and exercise on a regular schedule, you may experience fewer migraine symptoms.
  • Stress management techniques from a physiotherapist can help patients manage or reduce stress. Decreasing feelings of stress through therapy can help, as well as relaxation techniques such as meditation.

In Conclusion

Physiotherapy can prevent future migraines from occurring. By addressing the underlying causes of migraines, such as poor posture, muscle imbalances, and tension, our physiotherapists can help you make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent migraines from happening in the first place.

For your Physiotherapy sessions for migrainbe headaches or other Physiotherapy services please contact Effective Physiotherapy & fitness Clinic.

Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja.

Phone number: +234 909 860 4470 or +234 811 885 6060

Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic

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