Yes, Physiotherapy sessions can reduce pregnancy fatigue to a great extent. It can assist you to regain functions as well as improve your mobility and help you recover from joint pains. As a physiotherapist, I can help you manage fatigue and take good care of you in pregnancy. Physiotherapists render assistance to pregnant women for them to regain proper functioning of their limbs by preventing Oedema (swollen legs and arms).
At Effective Physiotherapy Clinic, we help you knock off back pains, waist pains , shoulder pains etc from your joints as a result of fatigue without the use of drugs. Like any other field in the medical world, in pregnancy you need physiotherapy sessions to facilitate your day-to-day activities and prepare you for ease during pregnancy and in the crucial moment of delivery.
What Is Pregnancy Fatigue?
Fatigue is more than just being tired—it’s a constant feeling of lacking the energy it takes to get through the day. When you’re exhausted day after day, like many women experience in those early weeks of pregnancy, it can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. In fact, it’s one of the very few early symptoms you may experience before the pregnancy test even turns positive. Early pregnancy fatigue can make it hard to get through the day without a nap, but rest assured, it’s a normal symptom for most pregnant people.
Fatigue is a signal from your body to slow you down and to give it time to adjust to the incredible changes happening inside. Hormone changes play a big role in making you feel tired, especially the hormone progesterone. This hormone rises sharply in the first trimester.
It’s persistent low energy that causes many women to take a pregnancy test in the first place, notes . Along with breast tenderness, it’s one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. That’s because the hormones that cause a pregnancy test to be positive are already surging as early as week five of pregnancy, and these can cause women to feel sluggish and tired all day.
What Causes Pregnancy Fatigue?
When you first become pregnant, your body immediately begins to undergo major changes. These physiologic changes in the body are what contribute to early pregnancy fatigue, says . Some of the changes during early pregnancy that may lead to an increase in fatigue include:
1. Increase in hormones like progesterone
2. Increase in blood volume to help support a developing baby and placenta
3. Low blood sugars
4. Low blood pressure
5. Sleep disturbances
6. Nausea
7. Carrying a growing baby is more work for the body and may cause fatigue
8. Multiple bathroom trips that disrupt a good night’s sleep
9. Difficulty sleeping due to inability to find a comfortable position
1.Gentle and mild exercises at the first trimester can improve your mood and help combat sluggishness
2.Application of heat therapy by physiotherapist can help reduce inflammation of the joints and improve blood circulation in the limbs
3.Good breathing exercises recommended by Physiotherapist can assist in regulating abnormally high or low blood pressure to normal
3.Good dance aerobic exercises can actually increase energy levels. Try going for a brisk walk in the course of the day can go a long way to reduce fatigue.
4.Physiotherapy sessions which involve surface tissue massage can help relieve back pain in pregnancy.
For Effective Physiotherapy touch to get rid of fatigue during pregnancy, contact us At:
Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja
Phone number: +234 909 860 4470 or +234 811 885 6060
Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic