Fitness Training: The fitness of an individual can never be overlooked. Because of the primary role it plays in his/her day to day activities. Once the fitness of an individual is compromised, his/her all-round productivity will be jeopardized.
In Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic , we work on the five (5) cardinal areas that affect your fitness:
Cardiopulmonary Endurance.
Muscular Strength.
Muscular Endurance.
Body Composition (or weight).
If you are able to perform daily activities with vigour and dexterity, you are fit in a way. Fitness also includes being able to demonstrate traits and capacities that make you reduce your risk of contracting diseases – especially those associated with inactivity. Fitness is a state of wellness where a good quality of life and sense of wellness exists.
Practicing and improving it has overall positive effects on children, adolescents, young adults as well as the elderly.
The goal of fitness training is to improve your level of fitness by developing your balance, agility, coordination, flexibility, strength and endurance.
Benefits of Fitness Training
It is important to have a healthy body as you age and enjoy life more with a great physical shape. But how can these be achieved order than through physical training which is a combination of exercises and a healthy diet?
Fitness training at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic affords you the following benefits:
Benefits of Fitness Training
- Mental Boost:
We help you through regular exercises and diet that boost your mental functions. It increases the production of serotonin in the brain which is a substance responsible for mental clarity. This in turn improves your productivity at home and at work.
- Prevention of Disease:
Regular physical activities help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, a heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and arthritis. It reduces the chance of having pains and aches linked to inactivity and old age, as well as supports the immune system.
- Mood Regulation:
Fitness training helps to boost your mood, reducing feelings of stress, depression and anxiety. With the increase in production of endorphin, positive feelings will be stimulated.
- Increase in Your Energy Level:
Regular exercises for about six weeks is found to reduce the feeling of fatigue in people suffering from frequent fatigue as well as improving their energy level.
- Pain Reduction:
For years, It had been believed by health professionals that rest and inactivity were good for the relief of chronic pain. However, regular exercise relieves conditions like chronic low back pain, stiffness, fibromyalgia and soft tissue shoulder disorder. Training will also increase your pain tolerance.
- Muscle and Bone Building:
In old age, for example, many people lose muscle mass and function leading to injuries and disability. To avoid this, come for fitness training. We also encourage young people to train in order to build bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
- Relaxation and Quality Sleep:
You fall into a deep sleep when you exercise regularly. This enables the body to replenish the whole lot of energy spent while been physically active, especially with vigorous exercises, than being inactive most of the time. For people suffering from sleep disorder, this significantly improves sleep quality.
Our Focus In Training
The components of fitness training include Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition and Flexibility. These are our areas of concentration while training.
- Cardiorespiratory Endurance:
Also referred to as cardiopulmonary endurance, this component ensures proper functioning of your heart and lungs and also makes sure blood vessels properly transport oxygen to your tissues and remove metabolic waste products. Activities in this area include brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, kickboxing, and aerobics.
- Muscular Strength:
This focuses on the maximum amount of force the muscle can produce at once. Also called One Repetition Maximum, you can train your muscles to be able to lift heavy weights for a few repetitions. Exercises that fall into this category include weight lifting, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, stairs climbing, walking with resistance bands, shoulder presses and step-ups.
- Muscular Endurance:
Muscular Endurance (M.E.) measures how long a muscle can withstand prolonged contraction or repeated contractions. Lower weight is better here than that of Muscular Strength. M.E. tests the ability of muscles to withstand fatigue, so sit-ups and push-ups to the point of fatigue fall under this category.
Note that Muscular Fitness (i.e. Strength and Endurance) are needed for our daily activities e.g. lifting up boxes and moving furniture around.
- Flexibility:
This has to do with the ability of the joints to move through a range of motion. Flexibility training helps to prevent muscular imbalance and helps you to move with ease. Two approaches to flexibility training are Static Stretching (holding a stretch for about 60 seconds) and Dynamic Stretching (holding a stretch for few seconds and repeating it multiple times). Generally, your heart rate will slightly be above the normal value during this exercise.
- Body Composition:
This refers to the ratio between fat mass and fat free mass (such as muscles, bones and organs) in the body. The lower this ratio the fitter you are. While your heart rate will not necessarily reflect your percentage of body fat, our equipment and prescriptions during training can help to make needed changes in your body composition.
Our fitness experts have hands-on approach and look forward to helping you achieve your fitness goals.