Home Health Care Physiotherapy Service: is our own way of making your therapy sections convenient and comfortable for you. In other words, it is for individuals who have difficulty leaving the home. Certainly, for individuals who are bed-bound or those who simply prefer to be treated in the privacy of their respective homes, we render assistance by coming home to treat them .We bring our service to you at the comfort of your home.
Because we are physiotherapists who understand the needs of the mobility challenged and the elderly, therefore, we provide treatment modalities to help improve strength, mobility, function, reduce pain and their fall risk in the comfort of their homes.
However, if necessary, this service can include an evaluation of the home to make recommendations for equipment to facilitate independence. We are here for you. Above all, we help you improve your strength and reduce the pain.
In conclusion, at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic we run Private Practices on different aspects of physical therapy or what you may refer to as Home Care Physiotherapy. it is bringing Physiotherapy to your door steps. We come to you so as to safe you of the stress of coming to the Clinic.
Watch our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3wmHr4E7Qkuq7xNmB2E8IgdIQ-HIZdK
Visit us at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic at this address No 2 D Close, Ajumgobia Street, Kado Estate, Abuja or call +234 811 885 6060,