How To Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis :Rheumatoid arthritis is quite different from osteoarthritis. It is as a result of an intense inflammation in the synovial joints and it can arise at any time from the teenage years onward.
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of a group of conditions we call “autoimmune connective tissue diseases.” The other conditions in this group are much rarer. In all of these conditions, the body’s immune system is overactive and appears to attack the body’s own tissues
Symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis
- The hands and feet are the most common joints involved, as well as the wrists, ankles, knees, shoulders, and neck.
- When the inflammation is active, fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss are common. Many people feel tired and lacking in energy because they are also anaemic.
- Severe stiffness early in the morning which tends to ease as the day progresses but may last for many hours
Effective Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The physiotherapist plays a vital role in relieving symptoms and preserving muscle strength and movement of affected joints. This is one of the major challenge we solve at Efdfective Physiotherapy clinic. We recommends splints for affected joints from time-to-time to protect them and maintain their correct position, and will also advise on the right sort of exercise for you to perform at home.

The occupational therapist is concerned with keeping you functioning as normally as possible and can advise on how to perform everyday activities most efficiently without straining the joints. He or she can also advise on aids and appliances. Rheumatoid arthritis causes joints to become inflamed – it is very different from osteoarthritis.
In Conclusion, a lot of help is available for people with rheumatoid arthritis, although their care often requires the participation of a number of medical specialists and other healthcare professionals.
Visit us at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic at this address No 2 D Close, Ajumgobia Street, Kado Estate, Abuja or call +234 811 885 6060,