PHYSIOTHERAPY CARE OF THE ELDERLY : This is rehabilitation of elderly patients by means of physiotherapy. It involves the prevention of the problems of old age. The main disorders that affect the elderly and require a very positive physiotherapy input include the following:
- Orthopaedics and trauma
- Rheumatology
- Respiratory
- Cardiovascular
- Neurology
Orthopaedics And Trauma
Restoring movements and function in patients undergoing rehabilitation is essential to restore fitness and encourage independence, which helps to reduce disability in later years. Fractures of the neck of femur and surgical neck of humerus are injuries of the elders .
Degenerative inflammations give rise to problems in the elderly. Knees and hands can be very disabling. The patient suffers from both pain and slowness of movement. Engaging in sessions of physiotherapy can be of great help in combatting challenges.
chronic obstructive airways disease and late-onset asthma are common features in any elderly. Physiotherapy has often been instituted in the elderly and should be aimed at prevention of disability by encouraging patients to have a daily exercise programe and regular checks-especially as winter sets in each year. Physiotherapy can be a life saving procedure for the elderly.

Cardiovascular diseases is the commonest cause of death in elderly patients. Physiotherapy sessions which involves various exercises that they can do, can actually prevent these diseases and save their lives.
Neurology Cerebrovascular accident can cause disability in the elderly. This often precede an episode of paralysis. Gradual onset of paralysis can be due to cerebral tumour. Parkinson’s disease cause slowness of voluntary movement and particular distress in relation to loss of emotional response, facial expression and communication. A quick intervention through physiotherapy can be of tremendous help to the patient. It can prevent further degeneration and complete loss of movement.
In conclusion. Do you need quick and efficient service delivery to take care of the elderly ones around you? Look no further, choose Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic. Do you want a home service? Call and Contact us today for a topnotch service.
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Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060 or +234 909 860 4470.
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