PHYSIOTHERAPY FOR FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR: These fractures are usually the result of severe violence. It may occur at any part of the shaft, and may be of any type-transverse, oblique, spiral etc

Usually there is marked displacement with overlap of the fragments which could lead to shortening if this is not corrected. The angulation will depend partly on the injury and partly on muscle spasm pulling the fragment in the direction of the attached muscles. However, doctors may reduce these fractures by continuous traction with balanced suspension that wll be on for at least 6 – 12 weeks. The time will depend on the type of fracture and method of management. If the surgeon considers it a suitable method of treatment, they may fix a cast brace at approximately 6 week. They can start partial weight bearing as well.


Other injuries: these are likely to occur because of the severity of the injury. It may include damage to an artery or nerve, or simultaneous dislocation of the hip.

Infection: as this fracture is often an open fracture there is a risk of infection.

Stiff knee: this is a likely complication particularly if the fracture is near the joint as well as when there is a prolong period in traction. The use of the cast brace has helped to decrease this problem.


During immobilization the treatment will depend on the type of fixation and whether there are any other injuries. If the patient has continuous traction applied to the leg the aim of the physiotherapist is to try to minimize the problems that can arise from prolonged immobilization. Exercise for the toes and ankle along with static contractions for the gluteal muscles equally start at ones and it is important to watch for any complication that might arias as the result of damage to arteries or nerves.

Knee movements can start in traction although the restriction for the amount of knee flexion is usually about 60o. If they will need to fix a cast brace, the physiotherapist must prepare the patient for walking partial weight bearing on crutches.

If the patient has an open reduction the physiotherapist must assess for any post-operative complications. Young children immobilized in a “gallows” traction tolerate this well and will move around and give themselves adequate exercise and after the removal of the fixation they usually mobilize very quickly. Additionally, physiotherapist will assess them in the ward and again when they remove the fixation in case theremay be need for any treatment.

For sound and Corrrect Physiotherapy Treatment for fracture of the shaft of the femur, please contact;

Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic. We’re located at

Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja

Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060 or +234 909 860 4470.

Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic

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