Physiotherapy For Neck Stiffness : One experiences stiffness in the neck when they have difficulty moving the neck and especially when trying to turn the head to either side. It may also be associated with head aches, shoulder pain and/or arm pain in some cases in order to look sideways or over the shoulder, an individual may need to turn the entire body instead of the stiff neck, it can be that critical.
They are times when we wake up in the morning and we find it a little hard to move our neck, sometimes it could be as a result of our posture when we were sleeping and some times we get stock in one position when operating our cell phone, bending your neck down in one position for long time can also be a factor for neck stiffness.
Holding the neck in an abnormal position for a long period, such as cradling a phone between the neck and shoulder, falling or sudden impact that pushes the head to the side, such as sports injuries.
However, how an individual manages and cares for the stiff neck symptoms can have great consequence on pain levels, recovery time, and the likelihood of whether it will return.
Treatment for neck stiffness
Physiotherapy for stiff neck focuses on how to relieve the neck of stiffness, making it flexible and reducing swelling if there is inflamation. A Physiotherapist will create a treatment regimen tailored specifically for the patient depending on the cause of stiffness or pain. You’ll see your therapist during regular sessions and do exercises as directed at home. Oftentimes, PT exercises can be done anywhere for a couple of minutes per day.
Cold Treatment
Using an ice pack can help relieve inflammation and swelling after a minor strain. The ice can have a numbing effect, temporarily relieving any pain. This treatment is usually most effective within the first 48 hours of an injury, when there tends to be the most significant swelling..
Limit physical activity that bothers your neck
If your neck stiffness and pain started after doing a physical activity, you should limit that activity until the stiffness resolves. These physical activities could include activities done either as part of your job or as recreational exercise. In general, you should limit heavy lifting and activities that may aggravate your neck muscles any time you have neck pain.
Stretch the neck muscles by gently and slowly moving the head from side to side. Roll the shoulders forward and backward. Stop if the stretches cause pain.
Neck pain is a common problem, affecting millions of people each year and if your neck pain persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other symptoms, reach out to us, we use our various techniques to help you releave the stiffness or pain on your neck.
What better way to manage or recover completely fro neck stiffness than to see a Physiotherapist today. Are there other pains you have been battling with for a while now, don’t hesitate to visit
Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic and Immediately! We’re located at
Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja
Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060 or +234 909 860 4470.
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