Physiotherapy Treatment For Ligament Injuries : Ligaments are tough bands of tissues that connect to your body. They act as pullies between your bones as your body actively moves around. Most ligament injuries involve the shoulder, knee and ankle, as these are focal points on your body that are susceptible to significant wear and tear.
Symptoms of Ligament injuries:
- Pain
- With lower extremity injuries, trouble walking, change in gait, ex. limping
- Swelling
- Joint feels unstable
Causes of ligament injury
- Direct trauma to the joint
- Sports
- Motor vehicle accident
- Any injury with the joint flexed
What to do when one has Ligament injury
Rest: Don’t bear weight on the injured body part for at least one to two days, and don’t lift anything with an injured wrist, elbow, or shoulder.
Ice: Put ice or a cold pack on the injured area for 10 minutes every 30 minutes to an hour for the first two to three days. Use a damp, thin cloth to wrap the ice; don’t put ice directly on your skin.
Compression: Wrap the injured area with an elastic bandage or use a compression sleeve meant for your specific type of injury.
Elevation: Keep the injured area above the level of your heart. This is easiest to do if you lie down and either elevate your leg or arm slightly above you.
Physiotherapy Treatment For Ligament Injuries
Primary intervention involves protect, rest, ice, compress, and elevate the joint. After initial intervention, grading of the injury need to be determined before physiotherapy action plan is instituted. In general, modalities for treatment include:
- Crutch support with greater weight bearing activities
- Moving your joint through range of motion
- Bracing and splinting
- Strengthening ancillary muscles around the joint
- Goal directed therapy for specific ligament injuries.
With the assistance of a trained physiotherapist, with simple injuries or others requiring surgery, physiotherapy is an imperative step in the journey to your improved health.
For any form or signs of ligament injuries please don’t hesitate to see a Physiotherapist today at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic, Abuja so as to get positive results and speedy recovery from ligament injuries. We’re located at No 2 D Close, Ajumgobia Opposite Con Oil Filling Station, Kado Estate, Abuja. Our hot lines +234 811 885 6060, +234 909 860 4470.