

Stroke: It occurs due to a decrease in oxygen to the brain. This can be due to a bleed or blockage in the brain’s blood supply.

Symptoms Of stroke include:

Difficulty in speaking

Trouble speaking and understanding what others are saying. A person having stroke may be confused, very slow in speaking like counting their words or may not be able to understand speech.


Numbness is weakness or paralysis in the face, arm or leg, this often affects just one side of the body. The person can try to raise both arms over the head. If one arm begins to fall, it may be a sign Also, one side of the mouth may droop when trying to smile.

Blur sight

Problems seeing in one or both eyes, the person may suddenly have blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes. Or the person maysee double.


A sudden, severe headache may be a symptom. Vomiting, dizziness and a change in consciousness may occur with the headache.

Trouble Walking:

Someone having a stroke may stumble or lose balance or coordination.


  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • High cholesterol

If you or someone you’re with may be having a stroke, pay attention to the time the symptoms began. Treatment actually varies depending on the type of stroke the person has, some treatments are most effective when given soon after a stroke begins.

At Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic we treat and care for all types of stroke patients and we’ve always have a positive result.

Book an Appointment, Visit or Call

Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja

Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060

Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic

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