TREATMENT OF TRIGGER FINGER : A condition in which a finger gets stuck in a bent position and then snaps straight.
Trigger finger occurs when the tendon in the affected finger becomes inflamed. Those most at risk include women, people with diabetes or arthritis and people whose regular activities strain their hands.

Each hand digit can move freely throughout a full range of motion (ROM) into flexion and extension.
The efficiency, fluidity, and forcefulness of such movements is possible by several “pulleys” on the digit of the hand.
Tendons are tough cords that attach muscle to bone. Each tendon is surrounded by a protective sheath. Trigger finger occurs when the affected finger’s tendon sheath becomes irritated and swollen. This makes it harder for the tendon to glide through the sheath.
In most people, there’s no explanation for why this irritation and swelling begins.
The constant back-and-forth irritation can cause a small lump of tissue to form on the tendon. This lump is called a nodule. The nodule can make it even harder for the tendon to glide smoothly.
Factors that put you at risk of developing trigger finger include:
- Repeated gripping. Occupations and hobbies that involve repetitive hand use and prolonged gripping may increase the risk of trigger finger.
- Certain health problems. People who have diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis are at higher risk of developing trigger finger.
- Your sex. Trigger finger is more common in women.
Symptoms of trigger finger may progress from mild to severe and include:
- Finger stiffness, particularly in the morning.
- A popping or clicking sensation as the finger moves.
- Tenderness or a bump in the palm at the base of the affected finger.
- Finger catching or locking in a bent position, which suddenly pops straight.
- Finger locked in a bent position.
The physiotherapy treatment for trigger finger is in various dimensions. some are as follows :
- Thermal therapy
- Electrical stimulation
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Exercises
- Stretching
- Splinting
- Patient education
Physiotherapy treatment will help to reduce swelling, relieve pain and stiffness and regain functional movement of the finger, so that you can get back to your daily tasks as soon as possible.
nt of the finger, so that you can get back to your daily tasks as soon as possible.
Each hand digit can move freely throughout a full range of motion (ROM) into flexion and extension.
The efficiency, fluidity, and forcefulness of such movements are made possible by several “pulleys” on the digit of the hand.
Visit us at Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic at No 2 D Close, Ajumgobia Street, Kado Estate, Abuja or call +234 811 885 6060,