What Can Manage Paralysis?

What Can Manage Paralysis?  ‘’Paralysis is when you can’t move certain parts of the body after something had gone wrong with their connection to the brain. It comes in many different forms and can be temporary or permanent, or even come and go.

Early warning signs of paralysis include:

  •  Inability to move some or all the parts of the body.
  •  face or body  weakness
  •  Numbness of the face or of the body, painful or tingles all the time.
  •  face or body stiffness with muscle spasms and twitches.

What Can Manage Paralysis? Have you heard of Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy can really be of great help in treating Paralysis.

How can Physiotherapy be of help to people with paralysis

  • Recover from brain damage and loss of muscle function.
  • Stimulate damaged nerves and muscles.
  • Reduce stiffness of and maintain circulation to affected muscles and nerves.
  • Re-learn movements and activities.
  • Gain the most function and independence possible.
  • Learn new ways to move due to any lingering side effects.
  • Rebuild mobility and physical strength.
  • Prevent muscle loss.
  • Recover better and faster.

Physiotherapy is a profession which combines medical knowledge with a lot of other skills that addresses key issues in human health such as paralysis or strokes.  Physiotherapists are skilled in assessing and treating various physical issues through the use of  manual therapy, heat therapy and other techniques.   Our  physiotherapists at Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic work on a lot of cases of strokes and paralysis and our clients have been getting  very good results. We also work on other naughty cases of Back pain, shoulder pain, arthritis , after surgery management of knee replacement, cervical challenges, waist pain etc.

Come and have a life changing experience and rapid recovery from paralysis at EFFECTIVE PHYSIOTHERAPY & FITNESS CLINIC @ No 2 D Close, Ajumgobia Opposite Con Oil Filling Station, Kado Estate, Abuja. You can also contact us on : +234 909 860 4470 or +234 811 885 6060

Website: www.effectivephysio.com
Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic

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