What to Know About Ligament Laxity

Ligament laxity refers to hyper mobility which means loose joints. Often times. this applies to someone who has a wider range of motion than that which is normal. This condition, for some people, is not an issue. For others it is painful and irritating, and therefore requires medical attention.
Dancers, musicians and gymnasts are most commonly faced with it.
Symptoms of Ligament Laxity
These are some of the indicators of lax muscles or hypermobility.
- Fatigue
- Joint instability
- Pain in your muscle and joints
- Tendency to have dislocations
- Frequent injuries and sprains
- Stiffness in joint and muscles
Causes of Ligament Laxity
Sometimes, this condition doesn’t have a clear cause. Although, it’s usually due to an underlying medical condition or injury. A small percentage of adult have hypermobility compared to children who tend to be more hypermobile which is why it is usually hard to connect it with a primary condition. However, Identified causes include:
- Hypermobility syndrome.
- Ehlers-danlos syndrome.
- Marfan syndrome.
- Osteogenesis imperfecta.
- Down’s Syndrome.
Diagnosing Ligamentous Laxity
The most widely used method of determining hypermobility condition is the Beighton test.
We use this method for testing the following joints of the body:
- Knuckles of your little fingers
- Base of your thumbs
- Knees
- Spine
- Elbows
- You can also examine shoulders and ankles.
The test includes performing a sequence of movements like: Bending forward and placing your palms on the ground with your legs straight and bending your thumbs and your little fingers backwards. This with other tests can help determine the degree of hypermobility.
Treatment of Ligamentous Laxity
Ligament laxity may not require treatment especially if pain isn’t felt. If however it does, see your Physiotherapist
Treatment options available for this condition are:
- Prolotherapy. This involves injecting an irritant solution into the ligaments. It helps to reduce your pain. Some experts have said that this therapy only has a dummy effect on patients it is administered on.
- Physiotherapy:. Exercises help you strengthen the muscles around your joints and make them more stable .Certainly, before starting any physical activities that may cause injuries, bandaging or taping the affected joints can be helpful. Firstly, the physiotherapist will examine the joints affected. secondly he or she will recommend sessions for your treatment,
Physiotherapists at Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic can help with this condition.
Call +234 811 885 6060 or +234 803 436 5055
Or visit us at No 2, D Ajumgobia Close, Kado Estate, Abuja, for treatment.