Effective Treatment For Sport Injury: Sports injuries are hurts to the body that are usually sustained while participating in exercises, games sports or similar physical (athletic) activities. These injuries may occur as a result of fall, hard knock on a part of the body, strains or stress. It is not only peculiar to athletes as anyone involved in sporting activities could be injured if proper care is not taken.
Injuries that could be sustained range from mild or minor to severe. Mild wounds may require just rest or treatment with ice or some pain relief drugs. Major injuries are severe and usually require the services of health personnel who would carry out medical treatment through surgery, Physical Therapy or some other options.
Some of the sports-related injuries include:
- Strains (which is very common)
- Sprains
- Knee injury
- Fracture
- Tennis elbow
- Plantar fasciitis/shin splints
- Back injury or back pain
- Rotator cuff tendinitis
- Dislocation
- Conclusion
Risk Factors In Sport Injury
You are at risk of sustaining sports injury if you
- Partake in activities like jumping, running and twisting that requires changing direction quickly
- Are not in proper shape
- Do not put on proper protective kits
- Do exercises without warming up before, or cooling down after the workout
- Are involved in sporting activities that has to do with tackling or colliding with others. An example is Rugby games.
Causes of Sports Injuries
Sports injuries may happen as a result of the following:
- Accidental fall during sports
- Inappropriate exercise habits: when one does not have adequate warm up time, lunching into hard exercises may be injurious
- When safety equipment are absent or not worn appropriately, injuries may be unavoidable
- Wearing Shoes that are oversized and don’t provide good support.
- If you start an exercise program suddenly or experience significant rise in physical activities that your body is not used to.
Symptoms of Sports Injury
The type of sports injury determines the specific signs and symptoms you may experience. The following are common symptoms: Aches, pain or tenderness; Bruising; A bone or joint out of place; Decreased range of motion; Grinding, clicking or popping noise; Difficulty in bearing weight on your hip or leg; Warm skin; Stiffness or weakness in all or some parts of the body; Swollen parts; Finding it difficult to move some parts of your body normally or as far as it used to be.
Diagnosing Sports Injuries
In order to identify the type of injury you have, the medical personnel may carry out physical examination of the wounded spot, asking questions about what happened when and how it happened and how severe the injury is. Imaging tests like x-rays, CT Scans and MRI Scans detailing the internal structure of the body can also aid the health official to determine and know how to treat your particular injury.
Treatment of Sports Injury
Some sports injuries heal within few days or weeks with rest and other home remedies. Some more serious one require more integral treatment. Again, treatment of sports injuries depends on the type of injury sustained. Generally there are different treatment options to manage sports injuries, some of them include:
Pain Medications: This involves the prescription of Anti-inflammatory pain relief medications to help ease the pain and reduce swelling. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen are examples of these drugs. Creams can also help alleviate pains.
- PRICE Therapy: PRICE is an acronym for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. These method is usually for treatment of minor injuries such as strains and sprains, and brings relief in few days.
- Immobilization: This treatment aims at limiting movement of the body especially at the injured part in order to prevent further damage (e.g. wear, tear or swelling) of the affected part(s). Casts, slings and splints can be used until recovery.
- Surgery: While many sports injuries do not require surgery, and sometimes dislocated bones may be realigned without an operation, more severe ones such as a fractured bone or a torn knee ligament would require such corrective treatment.
- Physiotherapy: Also known as physical therapy, it involves the use of techniques such as massage, manipulations and exercise to improve movement and help restore the injured to normal function. Physiotherapists develop exercise programs to help strengthen muscles around the injured area and assist the patient gain stamina to prevent recurrence.
Seek medical attention if pain, swelling, bruise or inability to use the injured area doesn’t get better within 2 to 7 days.
We are here to help
Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic offers proficient diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for bone, joint or tissue disorders as well as back, shoulder, joint pains and stiffness, arthritis, paralysis and stroke etc.
Feel free to call or visit us at:
No 2, D Ajumgobia Close, (Opposite Con Oil filling Station), Kado Estate, Abuja.
Phone No: +234 811 885 6060 || +234 909 860 4470
Email: effectivephysiotherapy@gmail.com