How can I solve my kneel problem : Knee pain is pain or discomfort you feel in or around your knee joint. However,solving the problem of the kneel varies, depending on the actual problem of the kneel. Sometimes, it could be as a result of dislocation or it could be a symptom of weakness of the leg or pains after a kneel replacement surgery or even arthritis and so on.

The following ways can help to take care of the kneel problem
Physiotherapy is actually one of the quicker and a very fast way to recover fully from a kneel problem. Because a physical therapist will show you stretches and exercises that strengthen the muscles around your affected knee, this stretches helps to relieve pain and improve stability.
You are to stop whatever physical activity that caused the pain or injury to avoid making worse in a case where the kneel injury is as a result of lifting heavy objects, twisted or dislocation when dancing or exercing.
Ice packs
Applying iced packs on the affected area of your kneel can help with the pain, advisably don’t apply the ice directly to the kneel always put in a wrapped cloth, towel or pack.
Knee braces
A knee brace supports your knee and holds it in place. Knee braces work by keeping your knee in alignment. They’re usually made of stiff plastic or metal with cushions and straps that wrap around your knee and leg. A Physiotherapist can prescribe how often you should use a kneel brace and the type you may need.
The best way to solve a kneel problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place, below are some preventive measures one can take:
- Don’t over stress your body, give your body the appropriate rest it needs
- Always adhere to safety measures anywhere you find yourself
- Avoid rough play if you feel any form of hurt on your kneel while playing
- Wear the right protective gear for any activity or sports like football, skating, bicycle riding e.t.c. e.g (helmet, kneel guard, hand gloves, elbow guard)
Often times, kneel problem can affect the entire body, don’t wait until it gets worse. Pay us a visit today @
Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic and Immediately! We’re located at
Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja
Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060 or +234 909 860 4470.
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