ANKLE SPRAIN TREATMENT: Ankle sprains are very common injuries.It a twist on the ankle which becomes painful. Sometimes, it is an awkward moment when you lose your balance, but the pain quickly fades away and you go on your way. But the ankle sprain could be more severe; your ankle might swell and it might hurt so much that to stand on it becomes so painful. If it’s a severe sprain, you might have felt a “pop” when the injury happened.
Rest your ankle by not walking on it. Limit weight bearing and use crutches if necessary. If there is no broken bone you are safe to put some weight on the leg. An ankle brace often helps control swelling and adds stability while the ligaments are healing.
Ice it to keep down the swelling. Don’t put ice directly on the skin (use a thin piece of cloth such as a pillowcase between the ice bag and the skin) and don’t ice more than 20 minutes at a time to avoid frostbite. Compression can help control swelling as well as immobilize and support your injury.
Elevate the foot by reclining and propping it up above the waist or heart as needed. Going for physical therapy or physiotherapist with a professional is key in order to avoid degeneration.
The general goals of physical therapy in ankle sprain treatment during this phase includes :
- retrieving ankle function,
- improving weight bearing capacities on the affected foot and increasing range of motion while protecting the joint from recurrence of the injury.
More specifically, physiotherapy aim also involve:
- Decreasing the pain
- Protecting the joint and its ligaments from further injury.Etc.
It is important to begin early with the rehabilitation of the ankle. Normally, the duration for a patient to recover ranges between 5 to 14 days.
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