Fractures of the upper arm management: These fractures occurs mostly in children as a result of a fall. A fracture requires very careful management because of its possible complications.

After reduction the arm may be immobilized in one of the following ways depending on the type of fracture:

  1. Plaster with the elbow at approximately 90 degrees or a little more and extending from below shoulder down to the wrist or hand.
  2. Requires a posterior slab plus a collar and cuff
  3. Requires a collar and cuff.


One of the most serious complications that can occur is damage to the bronchial artery. Therefore, keeping watch carefully on circulation is very important. The patient will probably be kept in hospital for at least 24 hours. Impairment of the circulation requires emergency treatment so as to avoid irreversible effects which can occur within a few hours. The skin and nerves will also be affected by the diminished blood supply.

If there is severe injury, some of the periosteum may be torn from the bone resulting in bleeding and the formation of  haematoma.


Certainly, during immobilization the treatment will depend on the type of fixation and whether shoulder movements are allowed. Moreover, finger movements and static contraction for muscles working over the immobilized joint should start at once and continue throughout this period. If the patient is able to do these on his or her own then the need for physiotherapy will be till when fixation has been removed.

Additionally, after removal of fixation once the fracture has consolidated the patient should be reassessed and treatment started to regain full range movement of the shoulder girdle, shoulder joint and elbow.

In conclusion, building muscles power is by progressive exercises however, it is neccessary to be very careful at the beginning of the state not to stress the fractured site.

For your Effective and unparalled Physiotherapy services for managing the upper arm after fracture and removal of fixations, please contact :

Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic and Immediately! We’re located at

Address: No. 2D Ajumgobia (FIA) Close, Kado Estate, Abuja

Phone number: +234 803 436 5055 or +234 811 885 6060 or +234 909 860 4470.

Twitter: @effectvphysio
Facebook: EffectivePhysiotherapyClinic

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